Coming Soon!


If you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you received an invitation to take my survey on beauty and were interested in what I was doing. If that is indeed the case, I’m glad! I’m working on my first issue at the moment and need a lot of help to make this happen fast. If you happen to know anyone (or happen to be) an expert in body image, nutrition, health, psychology, etc., please let me know by leaving a comment below with contact info. Or, if you have an idea for an article, leave that below as well.

Since you’re here, I’ll also let you know that I plan to have a section for art in each issue. For the first issue, I would like to have the art pertain to beauty in some way. If you are an artist, please leave your contact info below, and I will send you a personal invitation to my art competition. The art can be anything as long as it can be represented online–photographs and videos are obvious, but if you can get creative, I’m open to whatever you can throw at me! If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your contact info, check back in about a month for more information (or check with the person who sent you the invitation for the beauty survey–they’ll probably get the call for art as well). Because I am currently not funded and doing this on my free time, there is no other prize than receiving exposure : ) BUT nothing hurts on a resumé ; )

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